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Legal / Credits


This website is published by the company Laurent Hache SARL, a limited liability company (Sole Proprietorship) with a share capital of 7,500 Euros, registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Paris under number 797.523.016, with its registered office at 9, Villa Wagram St Honoré, 75008 Paris - Phone number: +33 (0) - email: The manager of Galerie Hache and the Editor-in-Chief is Mr. Laurent Hache.

The hosting of the Website is provided by Wix on a content delivery network (CDN).

Access to the Website and the use of its content are subject to the terms of use described below. Accessing and browsing the Website constitutes the user's unconditional acceptance of the following terms.


II.1 Ownership

Galerie Hache owns the domain name of the Website.

The Website as a whole, as well as its constituent elements (including, but not limited to, texts, structures, software, animations, photographs, videos, illustrations, diagrams, graphic representations, logos, etc.), are works protected by intellectual property laws, specifically Articles L.111-1 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code. The Website and its constituent elements are the exclusive property of Galerie Hache, which is the only entity authorized to use the intellectual property rights and personality rights associated with them.

II.2 Sanctions

The use of all or part of the Website, including but not limited to downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation, or distribution for purposes other than the user's personal and non-commercial use, is strictly prohibited. Violation of Galerie Hache's rights may result in legal sanctions as provided by both the French Intellectual Property Code, particularly for copyright infringement (Articles L. 335-1 and following) and trademark rights (Articles L. 716-1 and following), and the French Civil Code regarding civil liability (Article 9, Articles 1382 and following).

II.3 Hyperlinks

The creation of any hyperlinks to any of the web pages or elements comprising the Website is prohibited without prior written authorization from Galerie Hache, and such authorization may be revoked at any time. All websites with hyperlinks directing to the Website or any of its elements are not under the control of Galerie Hache, and therefore, Galerie Hache disclaims all responsibility (including editorial responsibility) for access and content on these websites.


Welcome to the website, published by Galerie Hache. We are an art gallery.

This section is dedicated to our Privacy Policy. It provides information about the origin and use of browsing information collected during your visit to our website and your rights. This Policy is important for you, as it aims to ensure that you have a positive and confident experience with our services, and it is important for us as we strive to provide accurate and comprehensive information and address your questions regarding your website visit and preferences.

III.1 Nature of Personal Data

Personal data refers to any personal information (including but not limited to: username, password, name, first name, date of birth, email addresses, postal addresses) that users may provide to Galerie Hache when sending messages via the contact forms on the Website. These data, regardless of their nature, may directly or indirectly enable Galerie Hache to identify and better understand users, send newsletters, and/or respond to their messages. When users provide personal data, they agree to answer the questions asked and provide Galerie Hache with complete, accurate, up-to-date information that does not infringe on the interests or rights of third parties.

III.2 Consent

No personal data is collected without the consent of users. The optional or mandatory nature of the information to be provided to Galerie Hache within the scope of data collection on the Website will be indicated to users beforehand. Users are not obliged to transmit personal data to Galerie Hache.

III.3 Identity of the Data Controller

Galerie Hache is responsible for the collection and processing of personal data carried out on the Website.

III.4 Recipient(s) of Personal Data

Galerie Hache is the sole recipient of personal data collected on the Website. Galerie Hache only shares personal data with a third party when:

You have given your prior consent for the sharing of this information.

Galerie Hache needs to share this information with third parties to provide you with the service you requested.

Galerie Hache is legally required by a judicial authority or any other administrative authority to disclose the information.

III.5 User Rights

Each user has the right to access, rectify, complete, update, lock, or delete the personal data concerning them and, for legitimate reasons, oppose their processing. To exercise these rights, users can contact Galerie Hache by email at the following address:

III.6 Cookies

When users browse the Website, information related to the user's device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) may be stored in "Cookies" files on the user's device.

Only the issuer of a cookie may read or modify the information it contains.

When users connect to the Website, Galerie Hache may install various cookies on the user's device to recognize the browser for the duration of the relevant cookie's validity. Cookies issued by Galerie Hache are used for the purposes described below, subject to user preferences determined by the browser settings used during the Website visit.

Cookies issued by the Website allow:

Implementation of security measures, such as when it is necessary to log in again after a certain period.

The issuance and use of cookies by third parties are subject to the privacy policies of these third parties. We inform users of the purpose of cookies that we are aware of and the options available to manage these cookies. If applicable, cookies issued by these third parties may allow them, during the validity period of these cookies:

Counting the number of visits to the Website and, accordingly, compiling statistics.

YOUR CHOICES REGARDING COOKIES Several options are available to manage cookies. Any changes made to your settings may affect your internet browsing experience and access to certain services that require the use of cookies.

Users can choose to express and modify their cookie preferences at any time through the means described below. The options provided by your browser software can be configured to allow cookies to be stored on your device or, conversely, to reject them, either systematically or depending on their source. Users can also configure their browser software to prompt them to accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis before a cookie is stored on their device. For more information, consult the "How to exercise your choices, depending on the browser you use" section.

(a) Acceptance of Cookies

The storage of a cookie on a device is essentially subject to the user's will, which can be expressed and modified at any time and free of charge through the choices offered by their browser software.

If you have accepted the storage of cookies on your device in your browser software, cookies embedded in the pages and content you have viewed may be temporarily stored in a dedicated area of your device. They can only be read by their issuer.

(b) Refusal of Cookies

If you refuse to store cookies on your device or delete those already stored, you may no longer be able to access certain features that are

Nevertheless, we decline any responsibility for the consequences related to the degraded operation of our services resulting from the inability to record or consult cookies necessary for their operation that you have refused or deleted.

(c) How to Exercise Your Choices, Depending on the Browser You Use?

Each browser has different configurations for managing cookies. These configurations can be found in your browser's help menu, which will guide you on how to modify your cookie preferences.

For Internet Explorer™:

For Safari™:

For Chrome™:

For Firefox™:

For Opera™:


Galerie Hache makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information published on the Website, reserving the right to correct the content at any time and without notice. However, Galerie Hache cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision, or completeness of the information made available on the Website, which does not constitute a guarantee or commitment on the part of Galerie Hache to the user. In particular, Galerie Hache cannot be held responsible for:

Any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the information available on the Website.

Any damage resulting from a third-party computer intrusion that led to a modification of the information made available on the Website.

And, more generally, any direct or indirect damages, regardless of their causes, origins, natures, or consequences, resulting from anyone's access to the Website or the inability to access it, as well as the use of the Website and/or reliance on any information directly or indirectly derived from it.

Galerie Hache employs measures to ensure the security of files containing personal data collected on the Website. However, it is important to note that Galerie Hache does not control the risks associated with the functioning of the Internet, and we draw users' attention to the potential risks related to the confidentiality of data transmitted over this network.


Galerie Hache informs users visiting the Website that these terms may be modified at any time. Such changes will be published online and deemed accepted without reservation by any user who accesses the Website after their publication.


These terms are established in accordance with French law, particularly the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, on trust in the digital economy and Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, on information technology, data, and civil liberties. French courts have territorial jurisdiction over any dispute relating to the use of the Website, unless otherwise provided by Regulation No. 44/2001 of December 20, 2000, on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I).

For any questions users may have about the use of the Website and/or these terms, or any requests they may wish to address to Galerie Hache, they can send an email to the following address:

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